Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Phil Davison, GOP Candidate, Delivers Stark County Treasurer Speech

I have to share this. No intro needed - just watch. But please do note the hiccup when quoting Einstein.

Friday, July 03, 2009


I'm not sure exactly what I feel right now. Or how, for that matter.

No motivation, no drive. A thirsty soul with nowhere to drink from.

Have I made the right decisions in my life? Why didn't I listen to my mother when I could? There is no option to listen anymore, but just to try and remember the sound of her voice in my head.

The sound of her voice ... sweetie it's going to be ok ...

Those words fade in and out every now and then. So simple and yet so powerful coming from her.

it's going to be ok.

it's going to be ok.

She used to always tell me that no matter what situation i was in, i always found my way out.

it's going to be ok.

it's going to be ok.

it's going to be ok.

it's going to be ok.


Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Home Sweet Home

miami Pictures, Images and Photos

I am moving back to Miami.

At the moment I moved here, sure I needed to. I needed to get the fuck out of there ASAP and get my head straight. While many will beg to differ, and quite frankly I could give a shit, my head has straightened.

These 6 months I spent here in Minneapolis have been wonderful. My brother and sister-in-law have been a great blessing in helping me and advising me with many things. Everything has it's season. This season is up.

And of course, I want to be closer to my mom. I have to. I refuse to have any regrets in my life. Not spending enough time with my mother will not be one of them.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Here I fucking come FLorida !!!!

I'm heading out to Florida today, Clermont to be exact. I'll be spending Turkey Day with 20+ members of my Puerto Rican family. I'm more stoked to see my mom...but i'm also stoked to see these beautiful kids right here (my sister's kids):

and of course this beautiful woman:

That would be my mom with me as a baby. he he *blushes* i wuv her.

It's going to be a weekend filled with great Puerto Rican food, cheek pinching, ancient stories of people you don't know but are assumed you do, kids running around, my sister dictating, and my brother and me sitting back getting it all on record.

So stoked !!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Babytime !!

No, not babytime for me yet. But definitely babytime for my best friend Stephanie. her beautiful baby boy turned 1 on the 10th, and he is already walking alone. What joy!!

Here are two pics I took of him when he was just born, and one taken of him today. Precious precious baby at one years old!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

"Let The Right One In"

Tonight I went to see "Let The Right One In". It's a Swedish Vampire Indie film, and yes, it includes subtitles.

It made me laugh, cry, squirm, gasp, and sit with my mouth hanging open for more than 2 minutes.

It provides the smoothest transition between scenes to offer a clear and easy viewing. It offers every scene filled with intensity and emotion in the simplest form for easy digestion.

It's a beautiful work of art that I think everyone should see in theaters or when it is available on video. It's well worth it (if you like vampire movies, of course). If you don't, watch it anyway.

Here is the trailer for the movie. Check it out.

-Click on title for link to official movie website-

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Flan de Coco Pt. 2

So the Flan de Coco is finished and it is YUMMY !!!!

1. All my condiments prepped

2. The beginning of my caramel - which I had to try about 4 times before I got it right !

3. The caramel is done :]
4. Basing the pan with caramel

5. My flan goes in the oven for an hour.
6. It's READY !!!

Now , I just need to let it cool, flip it over with all it's caramel delicious-ness ... and grub !!!